A Tribute to our Co-Founder Adam E. Abraham
Hi, Jody here. For sometime now I have been thinking about writing a piece to sum up the love and appreciation shared by many for Adam and his contribution to all mankind. After listening to Celebration get together on the 15 March 2025 in South Bend WA and the beautiful words shared by his partner in life Della I realised that this was what needed to be shared. Vale Adam Abraham. Thank you brother! I love and appreciate everything about you.
For those of you who like to watch the video here is the link https://www.facebook.com/phaelosopher/videos/1579663202744745
March 15th, 2025
Written by Della Hale
Presented by Don Causey
We gather here today to honor the life of Adam Abraham—a man of depth, wisdom, and an insatiable curiosity about the world. Though we mourn his passing, we also celebrate the remarkable life he lived, the knowledge he shared, and the love he gave to those around him.
Adam was born on November 19, 1951, in Chicago, Illinois, to his parents, Alton Abraham and Catherine Jones. Chicago was where his journey began, but his path would take him far beyond. His mind and his heart stretched across continents, touching the lives of people from all walks of life. He built a family, a legacy, and a profound network of friendships that spanned the world.
Adam is survived by his life partner, Della, with whom he shared the past 20 years of love, growth, and companionship. He is also survived by his brother, Kevin Austin of Chicago; his son, Adam Abraham of Long Beach, California, who carries forward his father’s legacy through his own family; and his daughter, Ashley Abraham of Torrance, California. Adam was also a proud grandfather—his son has four children who will forever carry a piece of their grandfather’s spirit within them. He leaves behind many other family members and friends who cherished him, learned from him, and were inspired by him.
Who Adam Was
To try and define Adam in just a few words is nearly impossible. He was a researcher, a writer, a photographer, a visionary, a videographer, and an investigator. But more than that, he was a seeker—a man who was never satisfied with surface-level explanations. His passion was fueled by an insatiable curiosity—an ability to absorb and analyze information that others might overlook. He devoted his life to uncovering deeper truths, sharing ideas that challenged conventional thinking, and giving a voice to those who might otherwise go unheard.
Adam had a remarkable ability to capture and convey knowledge that wasn’t always part of the mainstream conversation. He believed in asking the hard questions, in exploring the complexities of life, medicine, government, and human consciousness. He didn’t accept the world at face value—he engaged with it, examined it, and encouraged others to do the same.
His knowledge spanned vast fields—some of it controversial, some of it eye-opening, but all of it rooted in his commitment to truth. He wasn’t confined by mainstream narratives, nor was he swayed by what was popular. Instead, he engaged with information critically, seeking understanding rather than acceptance, and offering that same opportunity to others.
His ability to connect with people, to understand their passions, and to amplify their voices made him more than just a researcher—it made him a beacon for those searching for knowledge beyond the surface. He had friends across the world, each of whom contributed to his ever-expanding well of insight. His reach wasn’t just in the people he met, but in the countless individuals who followed his work, his videos, and his writings—people who found in Adam a guide, a thinker, and a friend in the search for deeper understanding.
Through his work on YouTube, Facebook, and other social platforms, Adam became a beacon for truth-seekers around the world. He built a vast network of people who shared knowledge with him, trusted him to amplify important messages, and engaged with the wealth of information he provided. He had a gift for connecting ideas and people, and that gift made a lasting impact on countless lives.
Our Relationship & His Impact
To me, Adam was more than just the brilliant mind so many knew him to be. He was my partner, my companion, my source of unwavering support. For 20 years, we walked this path together, sharing in each other’s discoveries, passions, and love for understanding the world.
What I will always cherish most is the way Adam made me think—the way he opened my mind to new perspectives, to possibilities beyond what we see on the surface. He was a man of great intellect, but also of great heart. He cared deeply about people, about their stories, about their right to seek the truth. He was intense in his pursuit of knowledge, yet he had a warmth, a humor, and a presence that made life richer just by being in it.
He showed his love not through grand gestures, but through his time, his attention, and his ability to truly listen. He made people feel heard, understood, and empowered. That was the essence of who he was—a man who saw beyond, who saw potential, and who wanted to bring light to the unseen.
Legacy & Farewell
Adam’s legacy is not just in the work he produced, but in the countless minds he opened, the perspectives he shifted, and the courage he instilled in others. His impact was global, yet deeply personal to those who knew him.
If Adam could leave us with one final message, I believe it would be this: Never stop seeking, never stop questioning, and never be afraid to challenge the world around you. He lived his life with purpose, not to conform, but to explore, to illuminate, and to empower others to do the same.
His passing leaves a void that cannot be filled, but his wisdom, his work, and his spirit will continue to ripple outward. His presence will be felt in every conversation that challenges the status quo, in every question asked in the pursuit of truth, and in every person who dares to think beyond what they are told.
Adam, thank you—for your mind, your heart, your fearless pursuit of knowledge. You were one of a kind. You are deeply loved. And you will never be forgotten.
A Thank You from Della:
I would like to thank each of you for being here in person or through our live feed. You are all special people who have come together to not only remember Adam, but to support me through this very challenging time. I am so grateful to all of you. Adam was not one for pomp and circumstance. He would not want any of us to be sad. He would want each of us to be filled with joy, happiness, gratitude and most importantly LOVE. So, I ask each of you to do that…live your life with these words, the most important being LOVE.
I would like to recognize a few people who have stood by me during this time. Three of Adam’s friends, Jody Spencer, Gordon Chaffey and Mike Maki who helped me take care of him the last three weeks of his life. Your presence meant the world to both Adam and me. I would also like to thank a small group of ladies, my friends, who organized this celebration and helped me maneuver through things the past few weeks. Rhonda Johnson, Hannah Schreck, Debbie Aust and Susan Valdez. Your love and support will always remain in my heart.
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